Right: Savannah Computingmanaging director Donald Kelshall (right) and sales executive Amanda Maraj (left) present a desktop PC to Salvation Army Major Emmerson Cumberbatch. Sitting is Linda Cumberbatch of the Salvation Army.
Savannah Computing has made a donation to the Salvation Army of a desktop PC with 512 MB of Memory and a 1.2 Gigabyte disk drive.
A complete office computer with Microsoft Windows 2003 Operating System and Anti-Virus protection software was configured by the technical support consultants who ensured the system was fully operational and ready to connect to the Salvation Army’s network at their offices in Henry Street, Port of Spain. “We are very thankful and appreciative of Savannah’s support which will definitely help in allowing us to continue with the work we do at the Salvation Army.” Major Braithwaite commented.
About Savannah Computing Limited
Savannah Computing is a software services company based in Port-of-Spain that provides financial products and consulting services to the major financial and business sectors in the Caribbean.